Statement of Faith
- We believe that there is only one true God who is the eternal King.
- He is the Creator of the Universe and is the Redeemer of mankind.
- There are three persons in one God.
- God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
- We believe that the Bible is the inspired and infallible and authoritative Word of God.
- We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the one and only Son of God.
- He was born of a virgin named Mary.
- He was crucified for our sins, died and was buried.
- He rose again from the grave and ascended into Heaven.
- He is seated in power at the right hand of God the Father.
- We are saved by grace and not of works of our own but by faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
- We believe that mankind can be restored to fellowship with God through a personal relationship by receiving Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
- We believe that through a personal relationship with Jesus mankind can once again walk in victory and in the completed work of the cross.
- We believe that heaven is a real place for the believer in Jesus' finished work on the cross. We believe that there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun.
- There will be a resurrection of the lost and saved; the one to everlasting death and one to everlasting life.

Reverend Bill and Nikki Jones are known for a strong prophetic anointing as they preach and teach the uncompromised Word of the Living God.
They flow together as a team in demonstration and power.